Name In Vain | Motorhead |

Name In Vain

Testo Name In Vain

Don‘t you say a word to me
Always barking up my tree
I don‘t need no more grief, no more third degree
Turn sunshine into rain
Turn pleasure into shame
Turn everything I say, inside out again

It seems, it seems the same
It seems, I ain‘t to blame
It seems, that you‘re insane
Don‘t you take my name in vain

Tell me what a dog I am
Tell me it‘s ‘cause I‘m a man
Tell you what, who gives a damn
Just another scam
Ain‘t me that‘s wrong this time
Ain‘t me that‘s out of line
Ain‘t me, it ain‘t my crime
Your rap, ‘cause it ain‘t mine

It seems, it seems the same
It seems, I ain‘t to blame
It seems, that you‘re insane
Don‘t you take my name in vain

Seems like you know the rules
I know you ain‘t no fool, you think you‘re somethin‘ else,
You look pretty cool,
You ought to reconsider, I ain‘t no Indian giver
I been as fair as I know how so shut your mouth

You know it all seems
It‘s only in your dreams
I‘m getting sick to death of swimming up the stream
I‘m gonna ask you nice, and then I‘ll ask you twice
If that don‘t work you get your ass back in your jeans

Seems to me, seems the same
Seems to me, I ain‘t to blame
Seems to me that you‘re insane
Don‘t you take my name in vain

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